Op-Ed Articles and Blog Posts
The Analytic Christian - interview with Jordan Hampton, February 2021
Parker's Pensées - interview with Parker Settecase, January 2021
Furthering Christendom - interview with Michael DeVito and Tyler McNabb, January 2021
Sophia Lectures, Azusa Pacific University, 2019
Closer to Truth profile and videos
GIfford Lectures, University of St. Andrews, 2017. Series Title: "Though the Darkness Hide Thee": Seeking the Face of the Invisible God
Lecture 1: Hidden God
Lecture 2: God and the Attributes
Lecture 3: Divine Love and Personality
Lecture 4: Divine Presence in a Material World
Lecture 5: A God to Contend With
Lecture 6: The Scandal of Particularity
Roundtable Discussion on Religious and Transformative Experiences Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (with L. A. Paul and Sameer Yadav), University of Notre Dame, May 2015.
Making Sense of Suffering Veritas Forum (with Michael Myers), University of Idaho, March 2014.
Making Sense of Suffering Veritas Forum (with Michael Myers), Washington State university, March 2014. (This video is not a duplicate of the previous one, though the topic is the same and there is substantial overlap in content.)
Roundtable Discussion on Analytic Theology (with Trent Dougherty and Oliver Crisp), University of Notre Dame, May 2013.
Divine Hiddenness, Divine Silence (Lecture) Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, April 2012.
Divine Hiddenness, Divine Silence (Interview) Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, April 2012.
Theory to No End Podcast (Interview with Camelia Raghinaru), December 2020
Classical Theism Podcast (Interview with John DeRosa - Part 2), June 2019
Veracity Hill, "The Hiddenness of God?" (Interview with Kurt Jaros), April 2019
Classical Theism Podcast (Interview with John DeRosa - Part 1), November 2018
POGOS: Oliver Crisp and Michael Rea on Divine Hiddenness (Interview with Jonathan Rutledge and Stephanie Nordby), July 2018
Michael Rea on Naturalism (Interview with Randal Rauser), March 2015.
Michael Rea on Philosophy of Religion and Analytic Theology (Interview with Randal Rauser), March 2015.
Does the Trinity Make Sense? (Interview with Randal Rauser), December 2014.
Blog Interviews, Guest Posts, Etc.
Can Women Train Pastors? A Response to John Piper (Guest post on BLOGOS, February 2018)
Ants and the Hiddenness of God (Guest post on The Daily Ant, June 2017)
Analytic Theology and the First Commandment (Guest post on the Fuller Seminary Analytic Theology Blog), July 2016.
Philosophers and their Religious Practices (Interview with Helen DeCruz for Prosblogion), September 2015. [Note: Prosblogion is now defunct, but this link takes you to an archival copy of the post.]
Analytic Theology (with Oliver Crisp) Part 1, Part 2 (Interview with Joe Gorra for the Evangelical Philosophical Society), January 2010.