"Love for God and Self-Annihilation," Faith and Philosophy (forthcoming).
"Self-Annihilation in Marguerite Porete," Religious Studies (forthcoming)
"Gender as a Self-Conferred Identity," Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (2022).
"The Metaphysics of the Narrative Self," Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (2022): 586 - 603.
"Hopeful Universalism," Religious Studies 58 (2022): 266 - 83.
"Protest, Worship, and the Deformation of Prayer" in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
“Representational and Attitudinal Sexual Objectification: Philosophical Insights from James Tiptree, Jr.’s ‘And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side’,” Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2019) Article 1.
'The Ill-Made Knight and the Stain on the Soul,' European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2019): 1 - 18. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'(Reformed) Protestantism.' pp. 67 - 88 in Inter-Christian Philosophical Dialogues, edited by Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis. Routledge, 2017.
'Gender as a Divine Attribute.' Religious Studies 52 (2016): 97 - 115. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Authority and Truth.' pp. 872 - 898 in The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures edited by D. A. Carson (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2016). Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Hiddenness and Transcendence." pp. 210 - 225 in A. Green & E. Stump (eds.), Hidden Divinity and Religious Belief. Cambridge University Press, 2015. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Time Travelers Are Not Free.' Journal of Philosophy 112 (2015): 266-279.
'Skeptical Theism and the 'Too-Much Skepticism' Objections.' pp. 482 - 506 in The Blackwell Companion to the Problem of Evil, edited by Justin McBrayer and Daniel Howard-Snyder (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014). Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Hylomorphism Reconditioned.' Philosophical Perspectives 25 (2011): 341 - 58.
'Divine Hiddenness, Divine Silence.' pp. 266 - 75 in Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology, 6th edition, edited by Louis Pojman and Michael Rea (Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage, 2011).
'Hylomorphism and the Incarnation.' pp. 134 - 52 in The Metaphysics of the Incarnation, edited by Anna Marmodoro and Jonathan Hill (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Universalism and Extensionalism.' Analysis 70 (2010): 490 - 96.
'Analytic Theology - Introduction.' pp. 1 - 30 in Analytic Theology: New Essays in the Philosophy of Theology, edited by Oliver Crisp and Michael Rea (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).
'Narrative, Liturgy, and the Hiddenness of God.' pp. 76-96 in Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump, edited by Kevin Timpe (New York: Routledge, 2009). Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'The Trinity.' pp. 403-29 in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology, edited by Thomas P. Flint and Michael Rea (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Wright on Theodicy.' Philosophia Christi 10 (2008): 461-70. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Presentism and Ockham's Way Out.' (with Alicia Finch, Northern Illinois University), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 1 (2008): 1-17.
'Hyperspace and the Best World Problem: A Response to Hud Hudson.' Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (2008): 444-51.
'Realism in Theology and Metaphysics.' pp. 323-44 in Belief and Metaphysics, edited by Conor Cunningham and Peter Candler (London: SCM Press, 2007). Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'How Successful is Naturalism?' pp. 105 - 116 in How Successful is Naturalism? edited by Georg Gasser (Frankfurt: Ontos-Verlag, 2007).
'The Metaphysics of Original Sin.' in Persons: Human and Divine, edited by Dean Zimmerman and Peter van Inwagen (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Naturalism and Moral Realism.' in Knowledge and Reality, edited by Thomas Crisp, David VanderLaan, and Matthew Davidson.(Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2006).
'Presentism and Fatalism.' Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (2006): 511-524.
'Polytheism and Christian Belief.' Journal of Theological Studies 57 (2006): 133-148. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Naturalism and Ontology: A Reply to Dale Jacquette.' Faith and Philosophy 22 (2005): 343-57.
'In Defense of Skeptical Theism: A Reply to Ameida and Oppy.' (with Michael Bergmann). Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83 (2005): 241-5. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 2021.1.
'Understanding the Trinity.' (with Jeff Brower, Purdue University), Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 8 (2005): 145-57.
'Material Constitution and the Trinity.' (with Jeff Brower, Purdue University). Faith and Philosophy 22 (2005): 487-505. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Relative Identity and the Doctrine of the Trinity.' Philosophia Christi 5 (2003): 431-446. Reprinted in Michael Rea, Essays in Analytic Theology, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Four-Dimensionalism.' pp. 246-280 in The Oxford Handbook for Metaphysics, edited by Michael Loux and Dean Zimmerman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003).
'How to Be an Eleatic Monist.' Philosophical Perspectives 15 (2001): 129-151.
'What is Pornography?' Noûs 35 (2001): 118-145.
'Theism and Epistemic Truth Equivalences.' Noûs 34 (2000): 291-301.
'Constitution and Kind Membership.' Philosophical Studies 97 (2000): 169-193.
'McGrath on Universalism.' Analysis 59 (1999): 201-204.
'Temporal Parts Unmotivated.' The Philosophical Review 107 (1998): 225-260.
'Sameness Without Identity: An Aristotelian Solution to the Problem of Material Constitution.' Ratio 11 (1998): 316-328.
'In Defense of Mereological Universalism.' Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (1998): 347-360.
'Supervenience and Co-location.' American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1997): 367-75.
'The Problem of Material Constitution.' The Philosophical Review 104 (1995): 525-552.